Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Open your mind

One of the most difficult things to do, is to have an open mind about everything. What I mean is about not having preconceived notions or opinions about anything. When I was in my teens, I used to have preconceived opinions all the time. I used to have opinions about things which I never tried, never seen or never experienced before.
Most of us have these preconceived opinions. Even before we do something, we might say, I don't want to do that. I don't like that. It is not up to the mark. It's not my taste. All these negative thoughts hinder us from taking a look at what the truth is. My brother-in-law used to ask me to go out with him to some place, but I being a lazy soul, said that I wouldn't like the place. Mind you, I said "I wouldn't like the place", because I had never been there before. But when I was forced to go with him, I saw that the place was more enchanting that it sounded to be.
The point I want to drive home - relieve yourself of preconceived opinions and take a fresh look at things all the time. Things you see today, might seem different tomorrow. Never hesitate to see from a different perspective.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Belief takes you there

I was watching this film, "Dragonfly". A story about a couple, who are doctors. The wife is as much a social worker as she is a doctor. She goes to Venezuela to treat the kids in the jungle and in a mishap she dies. Tragic, isn't it. But somehow her husband is made to believe, by some events, that she is still alive and trying to communicate with him. Certain events occur in his life, that lead him to the place where the tribal people live in the Venezuelan jungle. When he asked the people there about his wife, they tell him that they were unable to save her body, but they saved her soul. They take him to a small hut and in there in a cradle was his child, lying there safe and sound. His wife was pregnant before she died.
What does this tell us? It's hard to believe in miracles these days. But somethings happen around us, knowingly or otherwise, which helps us all the time. Belief and hope and the key to life and happiness. We believe that we will have a good day everyday. We believe that we will be able to do certain things. We believe that we will be able to provide good care to our family. Whether things happen according to our belief is one thing, but we do believe. Why do we?
I keep asking this question to myself. What is this belief all about. To some people, seeing is believing, to others it might be something else. But we do believe, dont we?.
So lets start to believe that we will be better tomorrow than what we are today. Lets make the environment around us better!!! Give it a thought.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I don't care...

An interesting line to start with. Isn't it? What does this phrase "I don't care..." mean to you? I tried to find out why and when do people use this phrase. Recently I was preparing a document for a colleague, who wanted some information in a certain way. I did add the information as specified and sent him the document. After some time I went to him and asked "Is the information OK? Is this the layout that you had in mind?". The reply was "I don't care". Pretty blunt reply, wasn't it? But I took in my stride and said "I'll take that as a yes from you".

Was my colleague intentionally provoking me? Did he want to start an argument with me? Probably not. His intention was that the information represented in the document did not matter to him because he asked me to prepare document on behalf of someone. That is what he tried to imply. I understood what he meant. But someone who maybe working with him for the first time will not. So what could've been a nice way to have expressed what he had in mind. Could he have said, "I liked what you did. Thats exactly what I was looking for." Or "I had something like this in my mind. What you did is close enough, but it requires some changes. Can you do that for me?". How encouraging are these statements. Wouldn't you go back and change the document immediately for him. Wouldn't you feel happy about doing the document for him.

You can argue saying that I am emotional and should not read in between words or lines. But that is not the point. To be as good as we want to be, we should learn to express ourselves in a more polite manner. Isn't humility a great virtue? Do you need to show yourself as a nonchalant person who doesn't give a damn about anything? Then believe me that you will never be a good person or a good leader. A leader should acknowledge what someone has done and should be humble himself. Only then will others hold you as an example and follow you.

Think about it. Don't take what I said. Validate it. If you find truth in it, then take it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Quotes that inspire

"There's nothing really difficult if you only begin - some people contemplate a task until it looms so big, it seems impossible, but I just begin and it gets done somehow. There would be no coral islands if the first bug sat down and began to wonder how the job was to be done." - John Shaw Billings (1838-1913)

With big gifts come great responsibilities. You have a duty to shine. - Robin Sharma

Find the purpose and the means will follow - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing can defeat you, unless you defeat yourself - Robin Sharma

Listen to understand and then speak to be understood - Unknown

Be a Leader not a Boss - My father

Do the thing you fear to do and just keep on doing it. That is the quickest and surest way ever discovered to conquer fear - Dale Carnegie

Never miss an opportunity to help another human being. You may never get that chance again - Robin Sharma

The humble improve - Jazz legend Wynton Marsalis

Business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials. - Richard Branson, Chairman of Virgin

You can't win, if you don't try - Robin Sharma

Make a list of your dreams - From dove chocolates

There's a time for compromise...it's called "later" - From dove chocolates

Smile before bed. You'll sleep better. - From dove chocolates

Sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses. - From dove chocolates

Decorate your life. - From dove chocolates

Test your own limits and keep going. - From dove chocolates

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lead without Title

I borrowed the title from a well known author/philosopher Robin S. Sharma. Though this phrase is very simple to read and understand, it has a profound meaning. All of us here realize and recognize great leaders. But we seldom question why they have come to be called that way. We read their books, but fail to analyze the process or the work done which had got them to their righteous place. We idolize them, but fail to follow their values. We speak eloquently about them, but miss the point that they have done something good and we are yet to do any. Why? In this short message, I will try to find the answer, along with you.
When I started reading the books of Robin Sharma, it struck a chord with me. I wasn’t able to find out the reason for it at that time, but I realized it later. Every great leader or philosopher has a way of influencing you. If you find truth in what is said or written, you take to it immediately. Our mind is primed in such a way that only necessary information that we want enters and stays there. Everything else is volatile.
So, how does a normal person become a noteworthy personality? How is he/she different from all of us? The answer is, they aren’t. They aren’t different physically or anatomically, but they are very different mentally. I’m not implying that they are all insane people, but they are achievers in every sense of the word. They have a dream which is nurtured into a vision and that vision is fuelled by their ambition. Ambition to start something, sustain it and get big.
All of us have these qualities within. But first we need to understand what we are capable of. Good leaders know what they are capable of. They understand and recognize that the best possible way to make people work for them is to make them buy into their vision. How do they go about doing it? How can they make people understand what they want? Simple, they connect.
We all watch a great deal of movies - comedy, thriller, action and emotional films. But when is a movie a hit? The obvious fact is that the movie should set the cash registers ringing. Otherwise the pundits will call it a drab; others will call it a flop. But the less obvious question is how the cash registers roll in. Some people watch the movie many times. Others play it in their minds many times. But the fact remains that we love seeing the movie. Why? The person who made the movie was able to connect with the audience. He/She was able to make them laugh, cry or even made them feel like heroes during the course of the movie. Most of all he made you buy into the theme of his/her film. This is exactly what good and more importantly great leaders do.
How do you connect? Pick a wire, wind one side on your head and the other to whom you want to connect. Try this and come back when you’re done!!! A bit of humor, I suppose. We generally hear people say, that leaders are made, not born. It’s a craft which is nurtured over time by practice. Similarly, to connect to the audience, is an art which needs practice. You may not get it right the first time, but you will indeed when you make it a habit.
To connect to a person, you need to articulate well. There is an adage which says, “Listen to understand and then speak to be understood”. You need to understand what people want and then tell them how they can attain their dreams by working towards your vision. This is easily said than done. But nothing in this world is easy. Otherwise all of us would’ve been noteworthy personalities by now. But the beauty is to try and succeed.
A title need not be given to you in order to lead. Take the mantle, and gallop in the direction of your vision. Leading does not mean that we need to assign daily tasks to your colleagues. It might be as simple as helping someone in the time of distress. You show the path to success. All the more, you have a responsibility to shine.
I hope that this short message might have a positive influence on the way you think and act. It is just a starter before a great meal. Read the books of people whom you like and their greatness will rub off on you.