Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Open your mind

One of the most difficult things to do, is to have an open mind about everything. What I mean is about not having preconceived notions or opinions about anything. When I was in my teens, I used to have preconceived opinions all the time. I used to have opinions about things which I never tried, never seen or never experienced before.
Most of us have these preconceived opinions. Even before we do something, we might say, I don't want to do that. I don't like that. It is not up to the mark. It's not my taste. All these negative thoughts hinder us from taking a look at what the truth is. My brother-in-law used to ask me to go out with him to some place, but I being a lazy soul, said that I wouldn't like the place. Mind you, I said "I wouldn't like the place", because I had never been there before. But when I was forced to go with him, I saw that the place was more enchanting that it sounded to be.
The point I want to drive home - relieve yourself of preconceived opinions and take a fresh look at things all the time. Things you see today, might seem different tomorrow. Never hesitate to see from a different perspective.

1 comment:

Niti Bhatt said...

Very nicely framed and very practical..keep up the good work.