Monday, October 29, 2007

Physics & Philosophy

Physics is called the science of approximation and Philosophy according to me, is a measure of approximation. Philosophy puts things to perspective. So I felt it might be interesting to find out the correlation in them. Let's find out whether I got it right.

Newtons First law of motion:
Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
- Let's replace "object" with "person", "uniform motion" with "comfort" and "external force" with "inspiration".
Every person in a state of comfort tends to remain in that state of comfort unless inspired to do something different.

Isn't it true. This is the difference between achievers and others. People who desire greatness inspire and motivate themselves. Others don't. Even though I write such wonderful things, I am still searching for something inspirational, to do the one thing I want to do in my life. What a waste!!!

Newtons second law of motion:
The relationship between an object's mass, it's acceleration, and the applied force is Force = mass times acceleration.
F = M * A
The force can be taken as a burning desire to achieve a goal. The mass is the realization of the goal and the acceleration is the persistant concentration of one's thoughts towards the achievement of that goal.
(Above is a comment from a very good friend of mine. I couldn't have worded it better. Hence I put in her statement. Thanks Niti).

Newtons third law of motion:
Every action has an equal an opposite reaction.
Every good deed is rewarded. Knowledge shared is knowledge gained. The more you let it go, the more it comes to you. The more you think good, the more you look good. Each of these phrases has something given and returned.

1 comment:

Niti Bhatt said...

Really thought provoking and very nicely framed. It occurs to me now that I probably have some analogy for Newton's second law of motion.
F = M.A.
The force can be taken as a burning desire to achieve a goal. The mass is the realization of the goal and the acceleration is the persistant concentration of one's thoughts towards the achievement of that goal. Waiting to see your perception..